featured artist

RC Gorman

Rudolf Carl Gorman was a Navajo man who was celebrated as one of the most successful Native American artists of all time. Gorman opened a gallery in Taos New Mexico in 1968, the first Native American Gallery owned and operated as such.  Gormans paintings often featured Native American women in vibrantly flowing color and curving forms., RC also made sculptures, ceramics, and stone lithography. A lover of cooking, he also authored and illustrated four cookbooks. 

Gorman’s had his first public exhibition in 1963 – and a long artistic career of 42 years until his untimely death in 2005 . Gorman produced lithographs, bronze sculptures,ceramic pieces Pottery paper castings.  tapestries, glass etchings, oil and acrylic paintings, oil pastel drawings, and sketches.

RC Gorman is much celebrated in Santa Fe as a local artist and you will see many of his works in galleries and homes. 

A hand-signed piece by Gorman is almost considered a national treasure here. RC Gorman who was openly gay, a pre-rainbowite, painted poetic Native, Navajo, and fabulously New Mexican visions of color and beauty.

rc gorman original shard picker glazed terra cotta pottery